Ennui Plus

An alternative media and lifestyle platform

Ennui Member

🏠 Access to the member community on Discord
📹 A full archive of ad-free podcasts and series, some that aren't available on YouTube anymore
🔮 More in the future including free member perks

Ennui Plus

$5.00 AUD monthly
⏲️ 7 day early for our podcasts
🅿️ A full archive of premium podcasts and series including a bonus podcasts, commentaries and behind-the-scenes
🏠 Plus Discord role in the server with exclusive premium member hangout space
💿 5% the Ennui Ltd. store each and every order
⏲️ 48-hour early access when we return to our video releases
🔮 More in the future including exclusive Q&A podcast, series pilots and livestream archives

Ennui Plus Elite

$30.00 AUD monthly
💬 Suggest topics for us to discuss on podcasts
🆕 Updates and sneak peeks of content we've been working on
🏠 Gold Discord role in the server

Ennui Plus Elite

$30.00 AUD monthly
Everything included in past tiers, as well as:
📙 Elite Executive Producer credit on our video and podcasts
Choose our reviews in our premium podcast specials (video, film, series, etc.).
🗣️ Direct input into content and series ideas
🔮 More in the future including exclusive merch and live event ticket early access

Hi, we're Ennui, an alternative media and lifestyle company producing digital series and podcasts, as well as other video and broadcast content.

On our membership platform, we strive to provide value to all tiers in three different content types: audio, video and community. Each tier has rewards based on each, so every Plus member can get the value you paid, regardless of what type of member of the community you are.